CS2 gives players plenty of options to control the interface and the look of its elements to achieve more convenient and accessible gameplay. For instance, one can set parameters for the viewmodel in CS:GO, adjusting the weapon positioning. Both viewmodel and FOV (field of view) settings induce a significant impact on the gameplay, so knowing how to change FOV in CS:GO will turn out to be very useful, especially if competitive play is your preference.

What is CS:GO/CS2 FOV and Viewmodel?

FOV is short for Field of View and designates the area of the game world player can see at one glance. Changing FOV impacts the player's peripheral vision: if the field of view is wider, one should be able to spot enemies hiding on the sides more easily. Consequently, it becomes possible to react to enemy players quicker, allowing for the more aggressive approach. On the other hand, if FOV is low, the peripheral vision is not that helpful. However, it becomes easier to concentrate your attention on the crosshair and follow the current target.

Naturally, different FOV parameters are suitable for different playstyles. If you prefer to charge at your enemy heads-on or are a sniper, using a narrower FOV will be a better option. If you prefer to ambush your opponents and build your tactic around quick reactions, wider FOV should be your choice.

Viewmodel settings define how the player's weapon looks on screen and how it is positioned. You can adjust the size of the model, influencing which part of the screen space it takes. If the weapon is positioned higher on the screen, it creates a more realistic and immersive experience, however, it becomes slightly more difficult to notice opponent players in time, as the weapon can obstruct view. Consequently, competitive players often prefer to shift a weapon model down.

What FOV and ViewModel Settings are the Best?

To change FOV and Viewmodel in CS2 to the settings that are suitable for you, just take on some experimenting. Try out various settings combinations or explore the configs of prominent competitive players to study their examples. However, do not forget that the best FOV and viewmodel settings in CS:GO are highly dependent on the playstyle, so what works for one person may not work for another.

Among other factors influencing your settings it is necessary to mention your screen resolution and aspect ratio. If you run the game in widescreen aspect ratio, it is recommended to set FOV equal to 90, to use your screen area in a most productive way. On the contrary, if you play on low resolution, lower FOV is preferable.

How To Change CS:GO/CS2 FOV and Viewmodel Settings?

As with many other settings and adjustments in CS2, there are two main methods for changing viewmodel and FOV:

  • To do it through the console, use the ~ button and then type in the desired keywords and parameters. Note, that if it is your first time using the console, you may need to activate it through the Options menu.

  • To do it through the settings, navigate to the Options menu and find the Advanced Video section under the Video tab. There is a slider representing FOV as well as options for ViewModel position. Remember to apply settings after adjusting them for changes to have effect.

CS:GO/CS2 FOV and Viewmodel Commands

Many players prefer changing FOV settings through the console, as it is quicker and allows them to check their effect in the game right away. Below you may see all the key commands you need to adjust weapon placement to your liking.

  • viewmodel_fov. It takes values from 40 to 68 and determines the distance between the player's hands and the camera.


You can see minimal FOV value on the first picture and maximum option (FOV = 68) on the second one. 

  • viewmodel_offset_x It takes values from -2 to 2.5 and determines the angle of the weapon pointing towards the center point. With negative parameters it will point straight towards the center, and with positive values it will be skewed diagonally. 

Here you can see how the weapon shifts with the increase of the value. 

  • viewmodel_offset_z The command works in a similar way to the previous one and can take value from -2 to 2. It influences the weapon and hands placement along the Z axis.

The increase of Z value makes the weapon stay positioned higher. 

  • viewmodel_offset_y.  It influences the weapon and hands placement on the Y axis. With negative values the hands get closer to the center of the screen, while with positive values they are skewed towards the edge.

    With the increase of the Y parameter, the weapon is shifter forward. 

  • cl_righthand. In addition, it is worth mentioning this command, which can take strictly 0 or 1 values and gives an option for switching hands. If you need more detailed information about changing hands in CS2, you can find it here.

By using a variety of console commands, you can adjust the game for the best experience and more comfortable gameplay. Learn how to change FOV and viewmodel in CSGO, experiment with the settings to find ones that suit your playstyle, and you will notice how your performance improves. 

CS:GO/CS2 FOV and Viewmodel FAQ

  • Can you change FOV in CS2?

Yes, you can change FOV in CS2 in the same way it worked in CS:GO, through console or through the options. 

  • How to increase FOV in CS:GO/CS2?

To increase FOV, use viewmodel_fov with the values up to 68. 

  • What is CS2 default FOV?

The default FOV in CS2 is set to 60. 

  • How to reset viewmodel in CS:GO/CS2?

To reset viewmodel and return to the default settings, use the console command viewmodel_reset. 

  • What is CS2 viewmodel generator?

CS2 viewmodel generator is a custom map for CS2, which offers players a convenient way to use preset viewmodel settings or adjust viewmodel position manually. It can be installed through Steam Workshop. 



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