CS:GO and CS2 Nuke Map Callouts
Nuke is one of the most iconic maps in the long and prosperous history of Counter-Strike. The map underwent many changes and received a glow-up with the release of CS2, improving visibility and the map’s appearance. Despite it being extremely popular in casual games and on the pro scene, Nuke is a complex map and takes some getting used to for a beginner player due to its multi-level design and lots of entries on each bombsite.
It’s important to be able to discern visual objects on the map and quickly process or provide crucial information during the game. For that reason, we’ve made a comprehensive guide in a form of map with every commonly used location callout, so that you can approach your next games on Nuke with strong knowledge and confidence.
A Site – upstairs place where the bomb is planted
Tetris – boxes located near the hut
Hut – place that leads to A site and can be used as an ambush
Vent – connection between A site and B site
Main – main entrance to A site
Rafters – raised area that connects heaven and A site
Nuke CT Spawn Callouts
CT Spawn – area where the counter-terrorist team spawns
CT box – area with a box near the spawn
Locker / Hell – room with windows that connects CT Spawn, turnpike and heaven
Heaven – raised area that overlooks A site and CT spawn
Turnpike – connects outside CT and ramp
Nuke T Spawn Callouts
T Spawn – the area where the terrorist team spawns every round.
Roof – The roof that you can access from the T Spawn. Located above Lobby.
Radio – Room between Lobby and Trophy that leads towards the B site
Trophy – Trophy room next to radio leading to ramp
Lobby – Room that connects the T Spawn, path towards A site and B site
Silo – the area that overlooks outside, T spawn and roof
Outside – the open area that connects the pathway to main entrance of A site, the path towards B site and the T spawn
T Red – shipping container located near Silo and Outside
B Site – downstairs place where the bomb is planted
Vents – a narrow entrance that connects A site and B site
Back vents – area between doors and tunnel
Tunnels – tunnel at B
Decon – room that connects back vents / tunnel
Doors – entrance to B bombsite
Window – room with glass that overlooks B site
Dark – underlit corner next to the stairs
Toxic – spot opposite to dark
Bottom ramp – a lower part of the ramp connecting B site and A site entries
How to Use All Nuke Callouts in CS2?
That’ll take some time, getting to know all the basic callouts isn’t an overnight process, but with practice you’ll be able to give and receive comms and make correct decisions based on the information you’ve gathered. You can always try to find a replay of the pro game with voice comms, or just watch a couple of streams of pro players and see how they communicate with their teammates on Nuke. Also, make sure to check out our guide on all Vertigo callouts.
What are the best weapons for Nuke?
There is no definite answer, as players have their own favorite weapons for each scenario, but some guns in CS2 are great no matter on what map you’re playing. A Desert Eagle or Tec-9 could always be crucial in a pistol round, as these headshot machines are very valuable for a fast rush or a heaven defense on the A bombsite. A farm SMG could be great for fast rushes down the vents or through the Main if you’re reckless like that. If you’re feeling extra spicy, you can try s1mple’s mayhem with XM1014 to inflict psychological damage on your enemies.
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