In CS:GO/CS2 it is not enough to have a good aim. To hit a target, take into account the recoil trajectory. These trajectories are called spray patterns in CS2, and mastering them is necessary to win more often and use your guns with maximum efficiency.

What Is Spray Pattern in CS2?

Spray patterns in CS2 are the routes your gun follows along during continuous or automated fire. Mastering them is important for assault rifles and submachine guns, as they are often used in this fashion. Some weapons, such as sniper rifles, do not have them, as they fire single shots only. But otherwise it is always useful to know them by heart so none of your shots misses the target.

What Is Recoil Compensation in CS2?

Recoil compensation is a movement of your gun to keep it aimed on a target. Basically, you move your weapon in an opposite direction to compensate for the spray. To master it, memorize the trajectory and practice the counteracting movement. There are special custom maps for training, if you want to pay special attention to this aspect of your play. 

Rifles Spray Pattern

Studying the rifles’ spray patterns in CS2 is helpful for everyone, because the category is widely employed at multiple gameplay stages, wielding a rifle successfully demonstrates a deciding role in the round and in the match. Learning recoil compensation for rifles helps to reach enemies from longer distances, use the bullets sparingly and dispatch the other side players in no time. 


AK-47 is an iconic assault rifle available to terrorists. It combines firepower with lover price. Its headshot is enough even for a helmeted enemy, and it otherwise deals enough damage for a quick kill.

AK-47 Spray Pattern

High recoil is one of the major AK-47 disadvantages. Following the initial shots, it shifts upward significantly, and then begins to sway sideways. 

AK-47 Recoil Compensation

Shift it lower when you expect to fire the tenth round. With the next several seconds give it a push to the left. Further, shift it to the sides more abruptly. This way you ensure no bullets are going to waste. 


M4A4 is an assault rifle available to counter-terrorists in CS2. It is easier to control in comparison to AK-47, but does less damage. The headshot is fatal only for unarmored enemies. However, if you manage recoil efficiently, you can deliver accurate shots at the enemy's torso. 

M4A4 Spray Pattern

The M4A4 magazine holds 30 rounds. After the starting ten, the firearm rises directly upward before it starts oscillating sideways.

M4A4 Recoil Compensation 

To counter the M4A4’s recoil, begin gradually guiding it downward. Following the tenth shot, begin angling the weapon to the left, and then complete the sequence by directing the final ten shots to the right. For maximum precision, you can use short bursts of 7-8, so you won’t be required to deal with the sideways movement. 


M4A1-S is another CT weapon. It is enhanced with a silencer for a stealthy action. It also reduces recoils, so in most cases it is advised to keep it on. 

M4A1-S Spray Pattern 

The magazine of M4A1-S has a capacity of 20. The trajectory is similar to one of M4A4, with upwards and then left movement., 

M4A1-S Recoil Compensation 

Adjust it downward with a slight diagonal push during the initial ten shots. Next, make a quicker adjustment to the side. 


AUG is a rifle available exclusively to the terrorists. It was inspired by an Austrian assault rifle design. AUG is the most expensive option of the type for the counter-terrorists, which is deemed by the power scope, making it efficient at mid range. It kills both armored and unarmored targets with one headshot. 

AUG Spray Pattern 

It is contingent on whether you use the scope or not. Anyways, it starts with an upward motion and then veering sideways. Scoped is preferable due to the less erratic movements. 

AUG Recoil Compensation

Compensating for AUG recoil looks simple. Guide it downward while firing the first half of the rounds, then transition to the right.

Galil AR 

It is the cheapest T-side assault rifle. It is pretty efficient at middle range, however, a single headshot kills only an unarmored target. 

Galil AR Spray Pattern 

It can continuously fire 35 rounds. Within the initial 9 shots, the aim goes upwards with a slight sideways drift. Next, it begins to move more erratically mostly along the X axis.

Galil AR Recoil Compensation

Adjust the aim downwards during the initial phase. Then, you can shift the gun sideways, but controlling it becomes progressively harder. The better option is to pause after the 9-10th bullet and fire with short bursts. 

SG 553 

SSG 553 is an efficient assault rifle available to the T-side. It is similar to CTs’ AUG in their characteristics. It allows the player to kill both unarmored and armored targets. With a scope, you can achieve this even from afar.

SG  553 Spray Pattern 

During the initial phase it rises and veers to the right in a nearly straight line. Then, it becomes harder to control, shifting horizontally.

SG 553 Recoil Compensation 

It is advised not to use its full capacity in one spray, as the last portion will be difficult to control. The smarter option is doing a short pause to reset the spray. The recommended trajectory here resembles the L shape. When using SG 553 without scope, it will be more accurate to fire in small bursts.   


It is a type of the assault rifle available to the counter-terrorists team. It kills an unarmored target with a headshot. Players alternate between the full auto and the burst mode, depending on the distance and proficiency.

FAMAS Spray Pattern 

The continuous fire includes up to 25 shots. Until the 15th one, the gun will gradually rise, oscillating around the center. Then it will sway more chaotically. 

FAMAS Recoil Compensation 

Initially, keep pushing down carefully. At the end, add abrupt sideways motions. In many situations more precise short bursts are preferable. 

Gun Spray Patterns

While understanding rifle spray patterns is important, let us not forget about other guns in CS2. Pistoles are widely used in the beginning phase of the match, and they come in handy in many tactical situations. Mastering the pistol requires managing its recoil. Here is the advice for the top-3 popular pistols in CS:GO. 


Glock-18 is available to the terrorist sides as their starting weapon. It can function in the semi-auto mode or burst fire mode, which helps to act efficiently in many situations, especially if you need to save money. 20 shots in the magazine make it easier to overwhelm the opposing party with firepower. 

Glock-18 Spray Pattern 

It is quite straightforward, rising with each shot and showing minimal lateral deviation. 

Glock-18 Recoil Compensation 

To manage it, guide the gun downward with each shot. Target the head and torso for optimal effectiveness.

Desert Eagle 

It is one of the most popular pistols in CS2. It is a semi-automatic weapon available to both sides. The headshot kills even an armored target, which makes Desert Eagle an efficient weapon. No wonder that it is the most expensive pistol as well. 

Desert Eagle Spray Pattern 

After the first shot, it begins to move sharply to the sides and upwards, making the trajectory hard to predict. 

Desert Eagle Recoil Compensation 

Due to the low magazine size, it is not recommended to spray with this pistol, as it will be efficient only at lower range. To counteract the recoil, shift the gun to the right diagonally, then to the left, then diagonally to the right again, like if you were drawing a sideways Z shape. Mastering the shape is not easy, so it is better to make a short pause after 1-2 shots. 


USP-S is a pistol enhanced with a silencer. It is available to the counter-terrorists. It is recommended to keep the silencer on, as it reduces recoil and helps to act stealthily. Mastering the pistol helps the team to deal with difficult economic situations. 

USP-S Spray Pattern 

It looks like a straight line. The gun ascends slightly with each shot, without any horizontal drift.

USP-S Recoil Compensation 

As USP-S has a pretty low magazine capacity of 12 bullets, using it in spray mode is not recommended. However, if you still want to do so, compensating for recoil is much easier than with Desert Eagle: just move the gun straight down. 

Submachine Guns (SMGs) Spray Patterns 

Submachine Guns are a type of weapons which is often used in spraying mode. Consequently, learning about their spray patterns is crucial for improving your performance. Here are the spray patterns for the top-3 SMGs in CS2. 


MAC-10 is an exclusive terrorist weapon. It can provide a team with enough firepower when there is not enough money for more expensive options. It is mostly efficient in short or medium range, while on long distance the damage drops significantly. 

MAC-10 Spray Pattern

It builds a line similar to a reverse L shape. The gun rises and then drifts to the left.

MAC-10 Recoil Compensation 

Move the gun steadily down and slightly to the right, then do the left turn horizontally. 


P90 is a submachine gun available to both teams. Some players avoid it due to the high cost, however, it is favored by those who prefer an aggressive style. Thanks to the magazine capacity, it is a good option for spraying, even if you want to deal with a group of enemies at once. 

P90 Spray Pattern 

It may look chaotic at the first glance. The gun will shift upwards rapidly, slightly swaying to the sides.Towards the end of the trajectory, the gun begins to wobble more, moving horizontally.

P90 Recoil Compensation 

Begin moving the scope downward immediately as you start shooting. When spraying in motion, move the aim to the enemy stomach. 


UMP-45 is available to both teams and is especially efficient at a medium distance.Spray in full-auto mode to get multiple hits on the target. Low recoil in comparison to other guns make it a good choice for beginners. 

UMP-45 Spray Pattern 

The UMP-45 features one of the simplest spray patterns among SMGs. It ascends along a curved path and begins to oscillate slightly toward the end.

UPM-45 Recoil Compensation 

Steadily guide the gun downward and then shift it to the right, like drawing a letter C. If you spray for the head, move the gun to the chest after you start shooting. 

Machine Guns Spray Patterns 

There are two types of machine guns in CS:GO. They aren’t used very often and are rarely seen in competitive matches. However, it is still helpful to know their recoil patterns, as they may come in handy in other game modes or on custom maps. 


The M249 is a heavy machine gun available to both sides. It is the most expensive weapon in the game with the price over $5000. Its magazine holds 100 bullets with 200 more possible to store as a reserve. It provides high damage, however, with the disadvantage of high recoil. 

M249 Spray Pattern

It follows a complex trajectory. It moves up along a curved line, and then shakes sideways chaotically. 

M249 Recoil Compensation 

Keep the gun pushed down as much as possible, since it will tend to lift upward. Observe the bullets visually to counteract the recoil on the spot. It is easier to do when shooting from a sitting position. 


Negev is a machine gun available to both sides. It has a larger magazine in comparison to M249 and a higher fire rate. While the first few shots are inaccurate, the accuracy increases with sustained fire and allows you to suppress the enemy. 

Negev Spray Pattern 

It seems to be easier to control in comparison to the other machine gun. It moves steadily upwards and then remains there, swaying to the sides. 

Negev Recoil Compensation 

For optimal use, fire it seated and keep the gun pointed downward. Use visual cues to correct your aim. 

Shotgun Spray Patterns

Shotguns in CS2 do not have automatic fire and therefore have no recoil. Each shot is a separate instance. To use them in the most efficient way, target the enemy's head or chest when shooting at close range. This will ensure you do the maximum damage. 

The only different shotgun is XM104, which has an option of consecutive fire. To offset the recoil, direct the gun downward with each shot. There is a high probability that the second shot will impact their head. 

Did CS2 Change And Have Different Spray Patterns Than CS:GO?

Although the update from CS:GO to CS2 have brought several cometic and gameplay innovations to the game, spray wasn’t among them. According to the tests performed by players, there were no significant changes to the recoil mechanic. Some automatic guns have slightly less recoil area, with the recoil heights lowered by 5-6%. Here is an example of how old and new patterns look in comparison. 

Later the devs explained that the difference appeared due to the reworked tick system and the way shots are registered on the server. It is true for all guns: you can observe hardly noticeable decrease in spray height without major changes. 

How To Learn And Master Spray And Recoil Patterns In Counter Strike?

There are various methods for training spray control in CS2. Here are the most efficient methods to do so: 

  • Look through Steam Workshop for specialized training maps. Practice in a controlled environment to act efficiently in competitive matches. 

  • Practice regularly. The skills are memorized efficiently, if you do not let yourself forget what you have learned. Set a dedicated time for your training, for example, before playing competitive matches. 

  • Play on headshot-only servers. They create a more demanding environment for you to learn faster. 

  • Play around with your DPI settings to find what works for you, so you are able to perform precise movements. 

To further enhance your performance, read more of our articles. For example, learn how to use callouts or adjust your radar settings for the most convenient play.


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